And you’re raising these twenty-four voices
With twenty-four hearts
With all of my symphonies in twenty-four parts
But I want to be one today
Centered and true
I’m singing spirit take me up in arms with you
-jon foreman
i guess an apology is at hand. not that i really think the world is holding their breath and waiting for me to blog again but just humor me for a second. i am still stroking my ego from a recent entry which ushered in 121 posted comments. So I am writing this blog for you. To fill you in and bring you up to speed on what all has transpired since I last blogged. Some of the events I think might help justify my absence from the keyboard.
Since February 18 the following events have taken place:
As of march 2, 2005, I am wonderfully, beautifully, and graciously engaged to the most amazing woman I have ever known, Michelle parenteau. My limited vocabulary would not due justice to the depth of love I have for her and for the joy I feel when I am around her. Michelle is a gift of grace from God and I am so excited to be spending the rest of my life with her. This has been nothing I could have dreamed up on my own. God has blessed me beyond my dreams. I am thankful.
Another apology is due…
If you are finding out about my engagement through blog I am sorry. That was not my intention and please don’t feel left out. I called as many people as I possibly could but my time was limited because two days after being engaged michelle and I left the country.
For my spring break we decided to travel to Vancouver, Canada to visit michelle’s sister who is attending school there. We spent about a week there soaking up as much as we possibly could. Vancouver is amazing and i would highly suggest you give it a visit. We drove around downtown, ate outside at this restaurant and watched the sun set across the bay. We walked around stanley park, visited regent seminary, went snowboarding up at whistler, ate sushi, hung out at coffee shops, went to the aquarium, exchanged money and shopped, ate outside again, this time on another bay, and explored waterfalls on the side of the highway. We had a blast. And we are engaged! O my gosh! Crazy! Anywho, my cell phone didn’t work is Canada so some of you may have had to hear about the big news some other way. Again, I am sorry.
Lets see…what else?
I turned twenty-four on march 13. I’m a fifth year senior. I like long walks on the beach.
I have had this vision of a coffee shop type hangout in the youth room up at the church I work at and started to get the ball rolling on that. Things were a little slow going and we didn’t quite have the budget to get the equipment we would need right away. It was looking like we were going to have to really be patience on this one and trust God and His timing. We prayed about it. We all honestly thought we wouldn’t have anything until next year or at the earliest at the end of this summer. but last week a lady donated basically an entire coffee shop to our church. All we had to do was drive to enid, Oklahoma to pick it up and bring it back down to dallas. We now have more than I thought we would ever have. Amazing! Crazy! I’m blown away.
So needless to say things around here have been busy what with being engaged and all and turning over new leaves in our youth ministry. Please pray for michelle and I as we continue our journey together. Thanks for reading guys and I hope you are having a good day.
I love everybody.