Sunday, January 11, 2004

i read an article recently on "experiential worship" and what that means to this particular church and their "creative arts" team. i can't say that i completely understand this whole emerging church phenomenon and living in a post-modern age. the article opened by saying that "Obviously, by definition, it is about providing an experience for the person in the pew." and then the author went on to say that "They (meaning church goers) want to "experience" God rather than have Him logically explained to them, (as they wanted in the 80’s). i don't know about you but this kind of stuff scares me. the author goes on in a rather lengthy account of several church services that he would describe as "experiential worship." there is much use of video loops during the entire service along with varies props handed out to the congregation before hand relating to the particular topic that day. interaction with the congregation is required. all to provide you with a "full-sensory" worship service. i applaud them for their creative interpretation and use of props for portraying the biblical stories but i am somewhat rubbed wrong by the idea that worship isn't logical. the author ends the article by saying that "It is about healthy risk. Healthy risk that leads to a better understanding of who God is or a healthy risk leads you to a place of deeper worship." sure the experience is great. we all want to experience God but to say that it needs no logical explanation seems like wanting to experience the atlantic ocean without a map. sure it's big and blue and the whales are fun to look at but where the crap are you going. you have no idea where you are in the expanse of the sea. you have no direction. you lack the underlying truth. i think that it's in this logical explanation that we are truly able to understand God and be able to worship Him more deeply. i think this so called "healthy risk" is for those how are afraid to really think about and understand God and who would rather have the experience provided for them. this article seemed to focus too much on the church providing the experience instead of allowing for the experience. it seems that in an effort for the emerging church to break free from the shackles of religion and tradition we are no better off having the experience handed to us on a platter. what have we gained besides another spiritual buzz. if i want a spiritual buzz i'll go watch MTV.

C.S. Lewis once said that one may never notice the ideal worship service because total attention would have been given to God.

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