Monday, March 08, 2004

i often wrestle with the thought of being in the world but not of it. what all exactly does that involve? when thinking about the dualistic nature of secular vs. sacred that the church can unnoticeably slip into at times and the compartmentalization that can occur, i gathered these few thoughts...

we don't need christian doctors, we need doctors who are christian.

we don't need christian politicians, we need christians in politics.

we don't need christian artists, we need artists who are christian.

we don't need christian musician, we need musicians who are christian.

we don't need christian leaders, we need leaders who are christian.

we don't need christian coaches, we need coaches who are christian.

we don't need christian ceo's, we need ceo's who are christian.

we don't need christian teachers, we need teachers who are christian

and so on....

i get tired of reading reviews, mostly in the music seen, of "christian" bands getting bashed by "christian" writers because the band chooses to play in clubs and not at the local church. your christian faith should be evident in your walk and not by the fish on the back of your car.

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