Wednesday, February 18, 2004

today i stayed after class to enjoy a free lunch that the BSM puts on called noondays. it was international day today and a exchange student from japan gave his testimony during the lunch. it was really amazing. he wasn't a Christian when he came to DBU, and in fact, said he tried to criticize Christianity. but because of a very influential friend he is very much excited about the person of Jesus Christ now. DBU has a pretty good international program and many students come to this university without prior knowledge or interest in Christianity. it was really cool to see someone who comes from a culture that doesn't find God relevant and see him so excited about the Bible.

on a different note, a friend of mine from school told me today that her "fiance" just broke up with her. it was kind of a weird situation and from what little i understood of the relationship it seemed to be lacking in honesty. in fact, i didn't even know they were engaged. i wanted to tell her that i thought the guy was a loser and it was probably for the best but i don't really know her that well. after all, she did say that she "loves". i just told her i was sorry and then logged it away in the "why are guys jerks and girls dumb enough to hang with them" file. such a weird phenomenon. speaking of guys being jerks, you remember that girl who was passing notes to me in class? well i kind of gave her the cold shoulder yesterday. i got to class before her and when she showed up, she found a seat a few desks over in the row in front of me. there was an unoccupied desk next to her and when we made eye contact she offered it to me. i had the audacity to think this girl was hitting on or something and in a panic i told her that "i am pretty well established where i am at" and "my seat was already warm" or something ridiculous like that. can you believe that. really i just wanted to sit at my desk and be left alone. i was afraid i would be subjected to more of her silly questions.

today was my friend phil's 22nd birthday. he was almost kicked out of chapel today because he was wearing a giant hat a dorm neighbor made for him out of balloons. you know those balloons clowns make crazy animals and swords with? quite an impressive hat but definitely a distraction for the university trustees we were hosting that day. the "man" held onto the hat for phil until chapel service was over.

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