Wednesday, November 17, 2004

because i have a test...

it's now close to nine o'clock in the am. brent and i have been watching the line at starbucks fluctuate in length for about a half hour. we exchange a few more lines from saturday night live then decide to line up with the masses for our fix. i try again to explain to brent that a soy chai will not make him a woman but he still won't try one. we returned to our seats outside only to find that the magazine i had strategically placed on the table beforehand was now covered by some man's book. clearly he does not understand the coffee shop code for reserving tables. i wanted to toss a coffee bomb his way but instead i collected what belonged to me and found another table. he looked pretty established so i let him be.

brent and i talked more about life, church, the flowerplex. we talked about being honest and transparent. we talked about the kids in our youth group. i told him i'm having a hard time moving on, moving away from the past. i'm having a hard time trusting God and seeing myself washed clean by His grace. like when it seems like God is giving me something my reaction tends to be, "are you sure you want to give that to me?"

some baristas joined us outside during their break. i had my copy of relevant magazine sitting on the table and one of them asked me if she could read it after noticing mase on the cover. she said she grew up listen to him and was excited that he was a "preacher" now. she asked me if she could hold onto the mag for a day to read the article. i told her she could have it. hopefully she will read more than the mase article.

the rain is coming down harder now. my chai is cooling off. i looked at my watch. it read 10:05. i need to leave for school.

the windshield wipers on my car move a little slower these days which is impairing my vision and making the drive difficult. there are moments during the drive when everything in front of me is a gray blur. the rain is coming down hard. my wheels catch and drag in the puddles on the highway. i thought for sure that the backwash from the mack truck next to me would send me into a flat spin like maverick in top gun and send me off into on-coming traffic. if it wasn't for my test in world literature i would have left the drive for someone else.

the test today is all essay. the teacher gave us four pieces of text from the various works we have read in class. we had to pick two of them and identify the name of the work, the author and the significance of the writing. i knew all of them, picked the two i thought i knew the most about and then started to write. hopefully i wrote enough. i've never been good at that whole writing thing.

the drive back home after spending a grand total of thirty four minutes on campus is much the the same as the drive to school. rainy. i took it slow. however despite the fact that i was traveling under the speed limit most of the time the trip didn't feel any longer. maybe it was because i couldn't see anything. or maybe its because the sweet tunes from jimmy eat world spinning in my dash preoccupied my thoughts. who knows. i'm home.

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