Friday, February 04, 2005

wrestled you in high school?

this week at DBU has been "camp week". a week set aside for the promotion and recuting done by various christian camps in the surrounding area. my encounters with some of these various groups have been most pleasant and unfortunately with some quite irritating. one gentleman issued me a "challenge" by saying that if i go and find five lost kids off the streets ("now remember they have to be lost" he made sure to remind me) and bring them to his camp he would sponsor two of them. i told him i appreciated the offer but i felt like he was trying to sell me a used car. and he talked really close to my face. i hate it when people do that. especially when they keep inching their way closer and closer like they're going to give you a kiss and you keep having to inch backwards. i probably should have kissed him. just planted one on him. then maybe he would stop talking so close to people.

our beloved camp pine cove was representing in full force this week. my church has had a great relationship with the camp over the years so some i've gotten to know a lot of the full time staffers. robbie, who works over in shores, was here today and i talked with him for a while. he told me that the no agenda retreat we take our high school group on is his all-time favorite weekend ever. he also said that aside from the gospel message the no agenda retreat is the greatest thing to ever happen in youth minisrty history.

as we're talking a girl walks up with this "i know you from somewhere" look on her face. she introduces herself and we shake hands. after playing a quick game of six degrees of separation it turns out that i have made several of her burritos while i worked at cilantros burrito grill in lubbock. she studied biology at tech but hasn't used it yet while working full time at pine cove. she knew some other people i used to work with and she knows the this guy keith whose wedding i am going to this weekend. this world just keeps getting smaller.

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