Thursday, October 21, 2004

on the road again...

right now i am milking a post-coffee/caffeine headache, the atmosphere in the classroom is hot and sticky and my right eye keeps twitching. i'm writing just to stay awake. seems i've been lacking the much needed energy to get through the day lately. but on a more positive note i did happen to score a really good parking spot on campus not once, but twice despite all the congestion caused by the job fair DBU is hosting today. i also had a really good drive to school. i listened to some old school jimmy eat world and death cab for cutie and i had some nice reflection time. today i realized that i have to make that forty minute drive to and from school whether i like it or not and it's up to me to make the best of it. most people try to tell me that my commute sucks but it really doesn't. it gives me at least eighty minutes a day to think, pray, and sing when nobody else can hear me.

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