Thursday, April 01, 2004

Open House

after 18 great years in this house my family has decided that it is time to move. so the past few weeks have been busy with trying to get our house into some kind of sellable condition. things have been crazy. last weekend we opened our house to the public both saturday and sunday. it was weird having complete strangers walk thru our house. things were cool at first until i showed a couple my room. "and here's my room." no big deal. just 18 years of my life. 18 years filled fill the memories of jumping of the top bunk while trying to avoid the ceiling fan, making rainy day forts with bed sheets, playing g. i. joes and listening to matt nelson make the coolest machine gun sound effects, building castles and pirate ships with legos, staring out my open window on a hot summer night watching the neighbors walk by with their pets. i remember pulling everything out of my closet just so i could hide in it and eat banana chips. or pulling everything out from under my bed so i could hide under it. everything was a "fort". 18 years filled with the memories of nerf battles being fought just inside of my room, of slumber parties and remote controlled race cars. of prayers with my parents just before bed, of making carpet angels or sharing a bed with my little sister because she is afraid of the thunderstorm. 18 years of nail holes and thumb tacks in the wall. 18 years of dreaming, drawing, creating, building, exploring, all in that room. 18 years of crying, laughing, and maybe being a little afraid of what's in my closet. 18 great years and i wish i could remember them all in detail but i can't right now because i need to go type a paper of the divine attributes and actions of God. maybe i'll remember some more things later.

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